Spirit in Us

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. Gail Devers

Faith and belief; these are two words that I'm thinking if we all use them in accomplish our dreams.  

By definition Faith is confidence or trust in a particular system of religious belief, s no matter what you believe or which religion you practice, in faith, we can turn our dreams come true and at the same time be a better person. 

Belief in the definition is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. 

I wonder if Gail Devers who quote the above quote either he is the religious person or not. Believe in God or not.  Because, if he does not believe in God, and said such quote, it will contradict his belief. Major religions made clear that faith is believing in God without seeing it, but to strongly believe the spirit is there, one prayer is believed to be listened to and answered in a unique way.  At the same time, other religion even mentioned that God sends help to those who help themselves. 

This where the quote ending like this:
"....belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication."

Why I started mentioned the above?.  At our present time, many people are becoming preachers of motivation and speak out about motivation and belief without connecting to the greater spirit in us, they think the gave new advice and they are the one who invented this advice, they failed to know that it was there all along thousands of years ago.  

Is just in the fast moving changing the world, many forget about religious teachings and embrace advises from advisers who copied all that they are saying and advise from the old testament.  I'm not against these individuals, I'm glad they are there, but what disappointed me is that they do not refer at all to the higher spirit, preach these motivations as if they are the one who invents them. 

They are smart; they took advantage of that situation that majority of people are forgetting their faith and just move forward and forget inner spirit.    

Why you think that majority of successful people with no manners become bad bosses, millennials ready to join the workforce with no soft skills, with no good manners in the community.  

Because is from how they achieved, either by letting other downs, or by oppression, or from wealth heritage and as result, not knowing the hardships. As for the millennials, if parents forget faith, good manners and belief in their spirit, what you expect from the children.  

So with all challenges facing in unforeseen future, let us not forget our spirit in us, lets us visit the place of worship, lets us pray to the higher spirit that we don't see but we believe our prayers will be answered.  

Why listen believe the famous motivator out there speaking about belief and faith, and forget about your faith that already mentioned how to succeed in life and how to be successful.   
May Spirit guide you to success. 
