Chapter Six: Innovative Customer Service Training. Exceed Guests Expecta...

Together Towards Quality Service, is an important innovative customer service training that is not only about on how to deliver quality service, but is equally important, is about empowering the roles of individual professionals like yourself, by learning the main 4 Sections of TTQS Model, namely; 

PRODUCTS, all focusing on GUESTS. 

This video is just an introduction of Chapter 6: Exceed Guests Expectations - Triple P's. 

 After Studying full Chapter, you be able to: 
Explain how you can meet and exceed guest expectations. 
Discuss how you can avoid high expectations from guests. 
Describe how guest experience is related to expectation and reality.
Explain why empathy and attitude are required in exceeding guest expectations. 

 Chapter contents: 
b. Introduction: Exceed Guests Expectations
Video: When Guest’s Expectation is too high.
- Class Discussion. 
c. Meet & Exceed Expectations.
- Brainstorming session. 
d. The Triple P’s.
- QQ Moment 

Exceeding our guest's expectations is not a difficult task to master. It is a task that all of us do on a regular basis.
The key is to be consistent, work as a team and reinforce it whenever possible.

A guest’s great experience is made by the team who serve them.
So from the top of to the bottom, all employees must treat guests with respect. 

 What are the minimum guest expectations and how do we exceed them? 

Professionalism: (Part of Triple P and More on Chapter 7)
Maintained a well-groomed professional appearance. 
Attitudes shapes behaviour. 

Address your guests and co-workers by name.
Treat them respectfully.
Listen & give your full attention 

Demonstrate sensitivity towards guest’s feelings.
How the guest sees the situation.
Place your guest’s needs before your own. 

This training aided our employees, both from the front and back office to understand the importance of teamwork in delivering quality service that exceeds expectations.

We have good feedback particularly from the head of departments, and they are looking for similar sessions for their line staff. Looking for a useful and beneficial association with your organization in future.

Kumaran Prabhakar, Executive Assistant Manager, Hotel White Sands The Beach Resort, Dar es salaam, Tanzania. 
